Discount Gambling for Christmas

November 28, 2011 § Leave a comment

The retail sector is very tight with high street retailers offering significant discounts to entice customers to spend.  Very often the offers are on either stock items or special purchases and if you are prepared to compromise on model or brand you can grab a real bargain.

The pen market is even tighter both online and in the retail sector.  There are bargains available at present but if you fancy a flutter on whether prices will take a further plunge in the final run-up to the big Day, be careful!  Speciality lines such as pens, are being short stocked by both retailers and their suppliers.  At we have already experienced some surprising lines being placed onto back-order with our wholesalers because of stock optimisation and, as Christmas draws closer, the chances of replenishing supplies will become more precarious.

At we will be removing our usual alternative nib options on our fountain pen ordering in the run-up to Christmas purely on the basis of it being difficult to maintain stock levels in the high volumes of pre-Christams sales.  Therefore, if you want a specific pen with a specific nib, we would recommend buying sooner not later and it is highly unlikely there will be a sudden unloading of stock just before Christmas!

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